Telling the Truth: How Should I feel?

Mike Goose
2 min readNov 6, 2020

There’s this giant cloud hanging over seemingly everyone these last few days.

That cloud is the damn 2020 election.

I’ve politicked my way through all types of conversations this week. Not taking a stance. Agreeing with others when they need someone to complain to. I’ve sympathized with folks who believe in their heart of hearts that their freedoms have walked out the door. I’ve heard the disbelief in the ‘deep state’, lamented the death of a free democracy and been told America has fallen prey to communism.

You know, I’m not sure where this rhetoric has come from. But to me, this world needs less worst case scenario talk and a lot more talk about the things we have to look forward to.

I truly enjoy listening and trying to see their perspective. I will gladly take a stance and I refuse to ignore yours. I don’t want to fight over politics because that takes us nowhere except anger, cynicism and arguing semantics.

With that said, I know my neighbors would gladly help me secure a wheel barrow if I needed one.

I know they were more excited than anyone to hand out candy to my daughter, so she could have a great Halloween despite this pandemic.

They care about the well being of my family, despite any political affiliation.

This world has become so black and white, slapping us on the face every hour. It forces us to forget one imporant piece of the life we all LIVE.

It’s a power I sometimes forget, just like the rest of the world.

Instead of focusing on what COULD happen, why not take account of WHAT IS happening?

To make the world a little easier for the neighbor struggling to get work done at home with four kids stuck at home because their school is shut down.

To brighten your friend’s day by sending him a well wishing message that you care about his happiness.

To act with care, love and support.

It’s easy to sit back and watch the world unravel. And unfortunately, way too easy to get sucked into that spiral of sadness and anger.

Action drives emotion.

When you do something to help someone, it gets reciprocated. It comes back to you ten fold.

And it doesn’t matter whether you sit on the left, the right or right on top of that fence with no affiliation.

What matters more than anything is that you care enough to act.

Stephen Dubner always puts it best,

‘Take care of yourself, and if you can, someone else.’

Peace like Geese



Mike Goose

Relentlessly pursuit to create a story I'd like to read someday. And hopefully, you will too. Fitness, mindset, thoughtfulness, finances and fun. Do cool shit.